September 12th-15th, 2024

Melivia, Municipality of Agia, Prefecture of Larissa, Region of Thessaly - GREECE



Saturday, September 14
Melivia Primary School, Melivia

The influence of chestnut cultivation on local communities

09.00 – 09.30 am : Registration of participants
09.30-10.30 : Nut processing in Europe. Traditional and new products.
Karoli Egyed (Hungary) (France, Portugal)
10.30 – 10.50 : The creation of the Chestnut Museum and Park in Melivia – Melivia Chestnut
A.Gountaras -Mayor of Agia
10.50-11.10 : Local Products of Agia-«From the field to the shelf »
Organization «New Agriculture New Generation»
11.10-11.30 Irrigation and good practices, the EU project «SPONGEWORKS – Co-creating and
Upscaling Sponge Landscapes by Working with Natural Water Retention and Sustainable
Management» HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-OCEAN-SOIL-01-01
Dr. Andreas Panagopoulos, Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI), Greece

11.30-11.50 : Coffee break

12.00-12.30 : The influence of chestnut cultivation on local communities – Good practices
from EUROCASTANEA partners.
Speakers from Eurocastanea partners
12.30-12.50: Presentation of chestnut beer «LOCHES»
Penios Brewery & ACM

13.00-14.30 : Lunch

14.30-19.30 : Technical Visit to orchards on Mt. Ossa (Cultivation/Irrigation practices)
Melivia, Karitsa, Kokkino Nero, Velika.
Agronomists from the Region of Thessaly – Directorate of Agricultural Economy and Veterinary
Services, from the Forest Research Institute (FRI), the Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI),
and the University of Thessaly.

20.30 : Official Dinner at Velika

Design and Development
From Crowdpolicy