The Municipality of Agia is located in the region of Thessaly in Central Greece. The total area of the municipality is 668.26 km² and has a population of 10.705 inhabitants (as of 2021). The current form of the municipality arose with the “Kallikratis” Programme from the extension of the original municipality of Agia by the merger of pre-existing municipalities of Lakeria, Evrimenes and Melivia. The Municipality of Agia consists of 22 villages and the administrative center is the town of Agia.

The variation of coastal and mountainous scenery creates an abundant flora and fauna. The mountains Ossa (GR 142003, GR 142007) and Mavrovouni (GR 142004, GR 142006), the Pinios River Delta (GR142002, CITES) and Lake Karla (GR 142004) belong to the NATURA 2000 Network. A network of trails weaves through the mountains and the 75km long coastline where the combination of small bays and extended beaches composes a beautiful and picturesque landscape.

Very important archaeological and byzantine sights such as the Castle of Velika, the Monasteries and the hermitages, aqueducts, settlements that where established in the Neolithic Period, monuments and findings from different eras prove the significant role that played the region in the past.

The great variety and amount of agricultural products that are produced in our region as well as their excellent quality make the agricultural sector to the most important sector of the local economy. In an area where the climatic and soil conditions are ideal for growing agricultural products, the vast majority of the workforce is employed in the agricultural sector and especially in the production of: apples (total production of 50.000 tonnes), chestnuts (5.000 tonnes), cherries (4.000 tonnes), kiwis (3.000 tonnes), olives (20.000.000 m2 of olive tree farms) and olive oil. In the region of Agia are being cultivated 25% of the total apple production and 20% of the total chestnut production of Greece.

At the same time the tertiary sector is also well represented, as there are more than 500 private businesses most of them related to tourism and especially to accommodation and restaurant services. The unique ecosystems of the Pinios River Delta and Lake Karla and the variation of mountains and coast offer potential for growth in rural tourism.

In order to preserve the good quality of our products the region offers a network of chilling and storage units, standardization and packaging units and processing units that all of them follow the highest international quality standards and are certified according to them. There are five (5) agricultural cooperatives and additional to them some very important agricultural products trade companies with an international network of clients, participation in International Fairs and certified according to the international quality standards.

One of the main goals of the Municipality of Agia is to meet the needs of the farmers that live in less favoured areas by giving them the opportunity to gain new skills and innovative production methods, to create the potential to increase the added value of the products, to achieve higher income & lower production costs through sustainable farming and to encourage them tο pursue economic activity in their home places that shall contribute to economic growth associated with sustainability.

The Municipality of Agia has realized years ago the importance of the participation in the European Programmes and has set it as one of its most important priorities. Thanks to the participation of the Municipality in several EU funded projects over the last few years, the region of Agia has been an active member of several networks regarding social inclusion, integration of immigrants, volunteering, youth, solidarity, social enterprises, rural tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage. Through networking, brainstorming, best-practice exchange and the contact to European communities and organizations new skills and innovative ideas can be gained that shall lead to local development based on the respect for nature, history and human relations.

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