12 - 15th September 2024

in Melivia, Municipality of Agia, Greece

XIV European Chestnut Days 2024

Every year since 2010 EUROCASTANEA organizes an annual meeting, the "European Chestnut Days". The meeting is addressed to organizations, authorities, institutes, local stakeholders, farmers, agronomists, cooperatives and companies from all over the world involved in the chestnut production, research, processing, promotion and distribution. In 2024 the "XIV European Chestnut Days" meeting is taking place in Melivia in the Municipality of Agia, Greece, seat of the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia the Greek representative in EUROCASTANEA, from 12th to 15th September 2024.


EUROCASTANEA is an association founded in 2024 which derived from the European chestnut network created in 2010 by AREFLH (Assembly of the European Regions producing Fruit, Vegetables and Ornamental plant).

The founding members are national or regional producer organizations from 6 countries:

  1. France: Syndicat National des Producteurs de Châtaigne
  2. Portugal: Refcast
  3. Spain: Red Estatal del Castaño
  4. Italy: Centro di Studio della Castagna di Maradi
  5. Austria: ARGE Zukunft Edelkastanie
  6. Greece: Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia

The main goal of EUROCASTANEA is to promote dialogue, collaboration and networking among the organizations that make up the European chestnut production. It represents, defends and promotes the common interests of the European chestnut production, it contributes to the development of the European chestnut orchards and works on the promotion of the European chestnut consumption.


Access to the European Chestnut Days 2024

European Chestnut Days


The Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia is delighted to invite you to support the 14th European Chestnut Days, the annual conference organized by the European Chestnut Network EUROCASTANEA with a sponsorship of your choice that will contribute to the implementation of a successful conference.

We are pleased to offer five sponsoring categories: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and individual agreements, which are described in detail in the following table.


Supported by

Technological and Operational Support

Design and Development
From Crowdpolicy